Sunday, March 20, 2011

Sion Milosky, Big Wave Surfers Dies...

Late Wednesday evening, professional big-wave surfer died after the colossal wall of water at Mavericks plunged him deep into the ocean and would not let him go.

35 year old big wave surfer from Hawaii apparently pummeled by a set wave in the waning daylight. Conditions were sloppy and not really large by Mavrick's standards with 20 to 30 feet faces. He was really deep and apparently was caught in a two-wave-hold-down of the coast, south of San Fransisco.
 "He was really deep and he makes the drop, and the end section comes and just explodes behind him as he straightens out," said Chris Killen. "I'm looking over just devastated. His head's flopping, and I could tell he was blue from far away."

Big-wave surfer, Ken Collins, who witnessed the accident said that the wave that killed Milosky was atleast 50 feet tall. Despite the tragedy surfers were back in the water, back in the towering barrels. And on the beach, written in the sand "WE LOVE YOU DADDY" by his kids.

RIP Sion Milosky....

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